As the hot weather continues in the Lake District, I decided to take a couple of days leave from work with the aim to get out on a couple of walks to take in the fresh air and views on the Lake District.
After doing some research we chose a walk from Bowenss Knot car park on the shores of Ennerdale Lake skirting along the northern shore of the lake then turning right up into the forest, roughly following the route of Smithy Beck, from here we would turn right along the high ground past some old settlement ruins then turn right and heading back down towards the lakes edge, the walk was to last for approximately 2.5 hours, but there could be photography stops along the way.
We arrived at the car park with the sun shining, no wind and high temperatures, so me in my wisdom decided no to take any alternative clothing.
Of we set, soon picking up the Smithy Beck, there were deep pools and many small falls in the stream, we stopped to take photos of a few as we walked.
The sunlight was creating interesting shades within the woods, but I was struggling to pick out any interesting and balanced compositions.
We soon gained height and left the edge of the beck from where we followed the forest road for some time looking for the path which we were to follow, at this time the sky began to darken and we new what was coming.
The rain began to fall, and in no time we were in monsoon conditions, me in shorts and tee shirt with no wet weather gear, what a plonker.
We took shelter for 20 minutes or so, but there was no evidence of the monsoon easing, so we took the decision to re-trace our route back to the lake shore from where we would head back to the car.
We arrived back at the car where I emptied a substantial amount of water out of my boots, replaced my tee-shirt with a jacket, removed my socks, and attempted to ring out my shorts.
A definite learning point, always pack some clean dry clothing, AND pack suitable clothing for all conditions in you backpack.
Back to the photography, I got a couple of reasonable images of some small falls and one of a Pine Tree which had a ray of light shining upon it, these attached below.