This morning I planned to visit Tewet Tarn or Latrigg to catch the forecast sunrise. Unfortunately I was about 20 minutes late in setting off and has I was driving to the locations I witnessed a outstanding sunrise in front of me, the colour casts hitting the cloud were amazing. I now had to make my choice, Tewet Tarn of Latrigg, I decided to go for Tewet Tarn and hoped that there would be some colour in the sky by the time I arrived there.
As I began walking up towards Tewet Tarn I passed a fellow photographer on his way down, this did not bode well, if he is coming down, he must have captured the best light conditions.
Once at the tarn, there was the remains of the earlier light, so I began looking for a suitable composition. I soon came across some rocks and reeds that would create some foreground interest, so set up to get the shot, I practised with short and long exposures and decided to go for a LE to try and caprturte any movement in the clouds.
From here I moved around to the end of the tarn to look for some interesting foreground to balance out having Blencathra in the background, which was bathed in early morning light. As the lake surface was quite rough due to the fairly strong prevailing wind, I again decided to go with another long exposure to help flatted the waters surface, and add any movement in to the clouds.
The resulting image is OK, not the best I am going to capture, but it created interest and holds some pleasing colour tones.
By now the light was becoming quite harsh, and the forecast was for it to become cloudy
within the hour, I walked further up towards the top of Low Rigg where I noticed a bleached white rock sticking out of the ground, surrounded by grass and reeds, I played around with this for a while, trying to create a suitable image, however the image I captured when viewed on the computer was nothing special, so I have not processed it.
As I walked further up Low Rigg, I came across some moss covered rocks which were interesting, I had an idea that these could be used as interesting foreground interest with Tewet Tarn in the mid ground and Blencathra in the background, after several minutes I selected a composition which was well balanced and had some pastel colours shining on
Blencathra, I got a couple of images of this, one which I am happy with and have uploaded on to my web site.
I was planning to proceed further up Low Rigg to the interesting tree that juts out of the rocks, but the clouds were developing, and making the light very flat with no intensity or shadows, at this point I decided to retreat back down the fell and head home to view the images that I had captured, I was still disappointed that I had missed the earlier conditions, but hey that's landscape photography for you!
Until next time, buy for now.