All this week I have been watching the weather forecast and looking at the many splendid photos on social media of the very nice cloud inversions and lovely misty dawn sunrises from around the Lake District.
Frustratingly I have had to go to work and wait patiently until the weekend until I can get out to do some photography, will the conditions remain until this time???
The sunrises are now happening at a more reasonable time of the morning, around 6.10 am so the alarm bird is not too bad.
I decided not to travel too far has I had to be home in time to get the household shopping later on in the morning.
I headed for the southern shore of Derwent Water in the hope of some low misty conditions looking towards the Skiddaw range of mountains, and possibly some atmospheric shots of Otter Island. I arrived 20 minutes or so before sunrise, no cloud cover this morning, but plenty of low-lying mists.
I set off at Otter Island waiting for some colour in the sky to compliment the swirling mists around the bay of the lake. Disappointingly the best colours in the sky were further round to the west which meant that I could not create a composition which included these. I waited to see what mother nature was going to provide me, I ended up with a couple of reasonable images from here.
I then set off around Abbott's Bay and Myrtle Bay on towards Great Bay, stopping off at regular intervals to capture the splendid view’s that were being provided on this glorious morning. I eventually ended up at Great Bay just before the Chinese Bridge that takes you towards the Ladore Hotel, here I manged to get a lovey image of the submerged tree in the mid ground with the mist covered Skiddaw in the background, a lovely pastel coloured sky and mist covered lakes surface.
The sun was rising over the fells to the east by this time and the light was becoming quite harsh, so time to pack up and head back to the car which was parked on the road below Cat Bells.
As I was coming away from the lakes shore, I came across some whinny bushes that were covered in spider’s webs, hundreds of them, these were dampened with the dawn due and were being illuminated by the sunrise side light, these looked interesting, so I stopped off and spent 30 minutes of so composing different aspects of these webs.
Once back at the car, the gear was loaded into the boot, footwear changed, and 5 minutes spent relaxing and taking in the view of Derwent water towards Walla Crag before I set off home to look forward to doing the weekly shopping!!
In all I had been out for 3 ¾ hours which had flown by, it was nice to be out and about again after several weeks without any photography.
